Manufacturer Partners

We are a professional manufacturer’s representative agency serving the electric power industry.

Round Tapered & Square Fiberglass Street Lighting Poles

Utility Markers & Tags, ANSI Compliant Safety Signage & Labels, Custom Solutions since 1975

Lead Acid Batteries, Battery Chargers, Battery Racks, Spill Containment, Mobile Battery Trailers, Turnkey Engineering & Installation Services

TD-CSR, Lock-Out Relays, Control Switch Relays, Instrument Control Switches, Rotary Switches, Lighted Nameplates, Battery Monitoring Systems

Pole Line Hardware, Fasteners, Davit Arms, Equipment Mounts, Fiberglass Products, Structure Reframing, Crossarms, Braces & Deadend Assemblies

LED Decorative Post Top & Pendant Luminaires, Street Lighting Poles, Arms & Brackets, Bollards, Trash Receptacles, Park Benches

Street & Area Lighting LED Luminaires, Flood Lighting LED Luminaires, Post Top Colonial LED Luminaires, Dust-To-Dawn LED Luminaires, Underpass & Parking Garage LED Luminaires

7.5kV to 800kV Substation Switches, 7.5kV to 167kV Hook-Stick Disconnects, 242kV to 800kV Vertical Reach Switches

Guy Wire, Static Wire, Galvanized Steel Strand, Stainless Steel Strand

Fiberglass Tangent & Deadend Crossarms, Fiberglass Crossarm Braces, Fiberglass Transmission Structures

Distribution Feeder Automation Supporting FLISR, ATS & DTT Solutions, SCADA Integration, Protection Coordination, Network Services, Smart Surveillance & Asset Monitoring

Bus Supports, Tees & Couplers, Stud Connectors, Terminals, Grounding Fittings, Compression Fittings

MV Air Insulated Switchgear, MV Gas Insulated Switchgear, Disconnect Switches, Reclosers, Protective Relays, SCADA & Power Quality Equipment, Microgrid Solutions, Solar Solutions

HV Circuit Breakers, Voltage Regulators, Surge Arresters, HV Gas Insulated Switchgear, Power Transformers, Distribution Transformers, FACTs Solutions, Battery Storage

Spun Concrete Street Lighting & Area Poles, Ornamental Lighting Standards, Power Distribution & Transmission Poles, Sports Lighting Poles

Intelligent Infrastructure Controls including UbiCell Smart Lighting Controls, UbiHub APAI Smart City Platform, UbiHub AP6 Streetlight Wi-Fi Access Point, UbiSmart AQM+ Streetlight Air Quality & Noise Monitor

Select Territory

Our sales and service territory includes Indiana, Michigan and Ohio.
Our Territory in Michigan Our Territory in Indiana Our Territory in Ohio

Dedicated to Service Utility Companies since 1988

We represent several prominent utility manufacturers in the industry. Many of our principals have retained us as their exclusive representative for more than two decades.

Agency Profile

Representing organizations dedicated to engineering, constructing, and operating utility power infrastructure since 1988

Company History

We are dedicated to providing outstanding customer service on behalf of the manufacturers we represent.

Our Vision

We represent best-in-class products centered on advancing the nation’s electric utility grid.